Multi-layer navigation for Magento 2

Online shopping is fun, especially if you enjoy the shopping process on the Internet or in traditional stores. It allows you to search for items in minutes from the comfort of your sofa. But it can also get overwhelming. How?

Well, when you type in an item, you often get an extensive product list, making it difficult to choose. Store owners should take this into account and add extensions to improve the situation. Layered Navigation Extension for Magento 2 can help you with that.

Layered Navigation for Magento 2
Layered Navigation for Magento 2
Layered Navigation for Magento 2
Layered Navigation for Magento 2
Layered Navigation for Magento 2


How does the Layered Navigation Extension work?

Attributes Multi Select Ajax Filter is a tool that restricts the displayed product list within a specific category. It does this by specifying one or more product attributes in different ways. For example, it could narrow down 750 products in the "Clothing" category by color, different sizes, material, cut, etc.

The user can combine several filters to meet his specific needs. For example: color: black, price: $19.99-$49.99, waist: 32, length: 34. This makes things easier for your customers. Those who use these filters convert more, as they are able to find exactly what they need within seconds.

With this extension, Extendware has expanded the original capabilities of Magento's default functionality. They have been expanded to include the most commonly used features.

The new features include:

  • Ajax Filter
  • Color Swatch Ajax Filter with attribute Multi Select
  • Ajax Filter Visibility Restriction Category
  • Sort option by name or position defined by user. Improved Layered Navigation
  • Visibility control of filter value set. Item count visibility
  • Hide/show comparison block
  • Hide/show wish list block
  • Attribute Multiselect Ajax filter - selecting multiple options from the same attribute
  • Price slider
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